Led by the Seasons

Filtering by: “Vigour and Skills”

Vigour and Skills: An Introduction to Distilling Hydrosols with Saskia Marjoram

Vigour and Skills: An Introduction to Distilling Hydrosols with Saskia Marjoram

This day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

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Vigour and Skills: Botanical Painting with Fiona Chivers

Vigour and Skills: Botanical Painting with Fiona Chivers

Join artist Fiona Chivers for a serene day of creative painting.

She will be sharing techniques and top tips. You will be using a range of watercolours and inks and papers. We will explore the art of capturing movement and flow.

During the morning we will delve into colour and composition inspired by the life and landscape of Thyme England. For the afternoon we will use what we have learnt to create your very own masterpiece.

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